Friday, March 17, 2017

4 & 4k: A Gratitude Journal for 10 Minute Novelists

A Room of Their Own

With 5349 members (as of this writing) it can be a little hard to find folks who share a specific common interest in the 10 Minuters group. While the organization of topics by days certainly helps to create focus in the main group, sometimes you want to go "where everybody knows your name..." (If you don't get the reference, it is another indication of just how old I am getting!)

Welcome to the 10 Minute Novelists Groups. They are spin off groups that have been created to allow members to specialize in a specific area of interest so as to not flood the general conversation with non-general posts. By and large though, they are all built around the same code of conduct as the main group, so tucking away into a group is not going to let someone circumvent the rules.

As a writer, are you worried about how sedentary you are? Look no further than Christine Hennebury's Moving Write Along, A subgroup of 10 Minute Novelists. Christine and the other awesome admins are always ready with a Star and encouragement to get up and celebrate your health with movement. This small group (60 members) is warm and welcoming and completely low pressure!

Thinking of your next big novel in the NaNoWriMo verse? Check out Jessica White's NaNo for 10 Minute Novelists subgroup. We are just gearing up for Camp NaNoWriMo and starting to set up cabins! 160 members strong, this is the place to chat about the trials and triumphs of working under an insane deadline, 10 Minutes at a time! The group is only open around the NaNo Events (April, July and November) to keep the content focused, so the time to join up is NOW!

Finally (as if she isn't busy enough) Jessica is also heading up the 365 Writing Group. It is for ultra dedicated writers who want/need/crave that push and accountability to write, every... single.. day...! It is only open for entry in Novembers so that folks can get organized. Jess did let me have a peek at the rules though: "Each participant will select a daily goal and will enter their daily word count into an online spreadsheet. There will be daily encouragement, sprinting opportunities, challenge events, monthly motivational chats, and awesome badges to earn." I have it on good authority that "the 365 group is the best possible thing you can do for your writing." I, for one, cannot wait until next November.

I am sure that as more special focuses start to emerge, there will be places made for those people too at the invisible snack table of love! (If you guys could see HALF of the stuff the Admins do to support and encourage each other, your hearts would melt!)

Now before I tear up (again), time for today's Drabble by Sandy Stuckless!

It started with a chat. Not over coffee or a scone. Not a drink at the bar. It started on Twitter of all places. Picture this: Thursday night, manuscript going nowhere and my usual nap not cutting it. I had ten minutes to kill so I said let’s see what kind of trouble I can get into on social media. Then I found it. The hashtag that changed my writing. I met this sweet lady named Katharine, so full of confidence and compassion, who welcomed me with open arms That was over a year ago. I haven’t looked back since.

(Sandy Stuckless writes in fantasy, sci-fi, and a little paranormal. He enjoys outdoorsy stuff like camping, hiking, and throwing snowballs at his kids.)

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